Evolutionary Computation
and its application to art and design

Craig Reynolds

Evolutionary Computation is the general term for several computational techniques which are based to some degree on the evolution of biological life in the natural world.

My work in evolutionary computation has related to evolution of behavior. I've used evolutionary systems to create behavior control programs for artificial agents. These evolved behavior relate to steering around a simulated environment. In particular I've experimented with corridor following where evolution determines both a sensor morphology and a mapping from sensor output to steering signal. I've also experimented with evolution of players for the game of tag where fitness is based solely on competition.

The most widely used form of evolutionary computation are Genetic Algorithms. In my work I've used the Genetic Programming technique which allows the evolution of executable programs. (See also: GA GP)

(top / motion / shape / online interactive / visual art / music / general EC resources / bottom)

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(top / motion / shape / online interactive / visual art / music / general EC resources / bottom)

Send comments to Craig Reynolds <cwr@red3d.com>
Last update: June 27, 2002 (August 31, 2008: updated links to Karl Sims but remainer of page is stale)