This paper presents a methodology for constructing large groups of autonomous characters which respond in real time to the user's interaction, as well as to each other and their environment. The characters are based on steering controllers under the direction of a simple mental model which mediates between several conflicting behavioral goals. The characters are represented graphically by 3d models with a library of animated motions which are choreographed by the behavioral controllers.Keywords:
autonomous characters, behavioral animation, steering behaviors, flocks, real time, spatial data structures.Citation:
Reynolds, C. W. (2000) Interaction with Groups of Autonomous Characters, in the proceedings of Game Developers Conference 2000, CMP Game Media Group (formerly: Miller Freeman Game Group), San Francisco, California, pages 449-460.Online resources:
Full article (PDF, 0.2 MB)
Video of the interactive system described in paper (QuickTime, 320x240 15fps, 80 seconds, 8.6 MB)
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Last update: September 4, 2002